Our Collaborations

We are very fortunate to have found great collaborators with highly complementary expertise to our NMR focus, 

including but not limited to


Method-driven collaborations

Molecular dynamics simulations with Prof. Martin Zacharias (Technical University of Munich)

Cryo-electron microscopy with Dr. Eri Sakata (University of Göttingen)

Quantum chemistry with Prof. Christian Ochsenfeld (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich)

Structural predictions of nucleic acids with Prof. Benjamin Fingerhut and Prof. Thomas Carell (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität of Munich)

Dynamic nuclear polarization with Dr. Marc-Antoine Sani (University of Melbourne, Australia)

Small molecules with Prof. Michelle Arkin (UCSF, USA)


Structural biology of the Hepatits B virus 

Dr. Stefan Seitz (Ralf Bartenschlager lab, University of Heidelberg and DKFZ)

Prof. Sabrina Schreiner (University of Freiburg)

Chemistry of extracellular vesicles with Prof. Stephanie Jung (University of Bonn)